Heating Oil vs. Propane: A Side by Side Comparison

Heating oil and propane are two alternative heating fuels to natural gas and electric. The two fuels are regularly compared and a clear winner is yet to be determined. When you examine a variety of factors, such as cost of fuel and equipment, energy efficiency, safety, and environmental impact, you will find that propane wins some categories where heating oil wins others. The ultimate decision comes down to your personal preferences. Use this comparison as a guide along with advice from your propane and heating oil suppliers in Greensboro.

Heating Oil Propane
Cost of fuel: comparable in price per gallon to propane, all depending on where you live and source Cost of fuel: comparable in price per gallon to propane, all depending on where you live and source
Cost of furnace: comparable to propane furnaces. Price depends more on efficiency and AFUE rating. Cost of furnace: comparable to oil furnaces. Price depends more on efficiency and AFUE rating.
Efficiency: more efficient than propane. Oil burns hotter and lasts longer than propane. Efficiency: less efficient than oil. Oil creates more heat per gallon.
Safety: not combustible in the air and does not create carbon monoxide fumes. Will not burn until it reaches 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Safety: when burned, propane does not create much carbon dioxide. Non-toxic.
Environmental impact: clean burning fuel, produces very little to no soot. Environmental impact: burns cleaner than oil. Considered a clean fuel by the US Government.

When compared side by side, oil and propane come out pretty equal. Both are similar in price per gallon, depending on where you live and the supplier. The difference shows in their efficiency. Heating Oil produces more heat per gallon than propane. So the more cost-effective option depends on the local prices (which do fluctuate from year to year). Oil and propane furnaces cost about the same amount up front. Both fuels are very safe and are easy on the environment, with propane being shown to burn just a little bit cleaner than oil.

With such similar statistics and characteristics, you may find it difficult to decide. This is when your local heating oil suppliers in Greensboro can help you decide which fuel is best for you. The experts at Berico will combine decades of experience and your individual needs to recommend an option that will suit your household.

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