Why More Greensboro Homes Are Switching to Propane for Heat

What energy source do you use to heat your home? There are a number of options available in the area, but more and more people in this region are turning to propane to keep things toasty all winter long. This post will take a closer look at why so many people are finding propane to be the ideal heating fuel for their needs.

If you decide to make the switch to propane, or you already use propane and need a reliable residential propane delivery company on your side, Berico is the easy choice. Get in touch today to learn more.


Reliable Performance All Year Long

When heating your home, the one thing you want more than anything else is reliability. You simply want to be able to set your thermostat and know that your system is going to keep the home at the right temperature day and night. With propane, that’s exactly what you’ll get. Some other types of systems, such as electric heating, can struggle to get the job done when the weather gets particularly cold, but propane will have no such issues.


Enjoy Excellent Value

As the winter months add up, the cost of keeping your home warm can start to accumulate. Again here, propane looks like a great pick, as it is an affordable option with steady prices. If you look at the price of propane over time, it tends to be quite stable, so you can plan on paying a reasonable rate for your heating fuel all winter long. If you have noticed that your current fuel source is getting more and more expensive, it might be time to make a switch.


Serve the Entire Home

You don’t have to limit your propane usage to just heating your house. While that’s a great starting point, there is much more that can be accomplished with this versatile fuel. You may also want to have it run your water heater, stove, laundry machines, and more. Propane is impressively efficient, so you’ll always be getting a lot of performance for the money you put into filling up the tank.


Environmental Benefits

As an added bonus, switching to propane is a smart choice from an environmental perspective, as well. If you would like to lower the overall carbon footprint of your home, go for propane and feel good about the reduced greenhouse gas output of your system as a whole. Even if your primary motivations for making this change are rooted in things like saving money and getting great performance, it’s still nice to know that you’ve done something that will benefit the world around you, as well.

Thanks to excellent furnace efficiency, affordable prices, and many other factors, propane is an outstanding choice for your heating needs. As a local propane delivery company with a history that dates back more than a century, you can always trust Berico to treat you right. Take a moment to reach out today and schedule your first delivery to see what you have been missing!

Should I Replace a 20 Year Old Furnace?

Deciding when to replace a furnace is one of the trickier questions that homeowners face while maintaining their properties. On the one hand, if a furnace seems to be working fine, why replace it? There is obviously a cost that is associated with that purchase. At the same time, you may suspect that your 20-year-old unit is no longer as effective or efficient as it once was. This post will look at this important question and help you come to a confident answer.

If you have a Greensboro furnace that may be on its last legs, or if you just want to explore your options, take a moment today to check in with the Berico team. Leaders in HVAC repair and installation throughout the Greensboro area, Berico will never let you down.


The End is Near

Even if your furnace is still running when it hits the 20-year mark, you can be sure that the useful life of this piece of equipment has just about ended. Most furnaces will be able to perform well for around 10 to 20 years, so if you have already gotten 20 years out of yours, consider yourself lucky and start to plan for what is next.

You’ll likely start to notice some issues with the performance of your old furnace if you look closely. Specifically, you may see that your utility bills have started to climb as the furnace gets less efficient and starts to use more fuel. At the same time, it probably won’t be able to achieve the same type of heating performance as when it was younger, meaning you will be paying more and not even getting the results you need.


New Furnaces Offer Plenty of Advantages

Obviously, the cost of a new furnace will be your primary concern when considering this upgrade, but you should know that you stand to gain significantly in a number of areas when you make the move. For one thing, new furnaces are much more efficient than models from a couple of decades ago, so you will use significantly less energy to keep your house warm day after day.

The reliability of a new furnace is also a great selling point. A new furnace can be expected to perform reliably for years to come, and even if a problem does come up along the way, you will have warranty coverage in place that may pay for some or all of the needed repairs. Soon enough, you’ll come to see the investment in a new furnace as a smart move that you maybe should have made a few years ago.

When the calls for furnace repair start to add up and you notice that the time between those repairs keeps getting shorter, it may be time for a replacement. Fortunately, you can work with Berico to decide if your furnace should be replaced, and what modern unit is the best choice for the job. Get started today to enjoy better heating than you have in years!

How to Prevent Frozen Pipes in Greensboro

A frozen pipe is one of the worst things that can happen to a plumbing system. When the pipe freezes, not only will that pipe no longer be able to take the water wherever it was supposed to be going, but the water will expand as it turns to ice and the pipe may rupture. This can quickly turn into a messy, expensive plumbing emergency.

Taking steps to avoid frozen pipes is important, and will be the subject of the discussion below. Should you need help from qualified Greensboro plumbers to keep your system on track during cold (or warm) weather, reach out to the team at Berico right away.


Insulation is the Key Starting Point

Without a doubt, the best way to keep your pipes from freezing is to add insulation to them wherever you can. There are pipe insulation products meant just for this purpose and the task of wrapping up your pipes is a simple one. Insulating your pipes is going to slow down the transfer of cold air into the pipe and will make it far less likely that one of the pipes will freeze and burst. Reviewing the condition of your pipes and checking out which ones might need to be insulated is a good task to put on your to-do list or if you would like to have Berico take care of this for you, that can be arranged.


Seal Up Cracks and Openings

You can also limit the chances of a frozen pipe by sealing up any cracks or openings that might be allowing cold outdoor air to get in and surround the pipes. Take a walk around your house and look for any small openings that shouldn’t be there – if you can see light coming through a crack, it’s a sure bet that cold air is streaming in, as well. Once you spot some of these openings, use caulk or weather stripping to seal them up, and your pipes will immediately stay warmer and be at less risk of freezing.


Open Cabinet Doors to Keep Pipes Warmer

This is an interesting strategy that just might be able to help you avoid problems with your pipes during cold weather. You are certainly using a furnace to keep the interior of your home warm, but there are no vents inside your cabinets where much of your plumbing can be found. That means those spaces – such as under the kitchen sink – won’t get nearly as warm as the rest of the house. Consider opening up those cabinets for a while so warmer air can circulate and keep the pipes at a higher temperature.

Whether you need to call in Berico for emergency plumbing services or just for a regular repair or installation job, you’ll be met with a friendly team that offers outstanding work for a fair price. There is no reason to keep putting off important plumbing work when Berico is ready to get everything in your home back to proper working order.

How to Avoid Emergency Furnace Repairs This Winter

Winter in Eden can be unpredictable, and when frigid temperatures arrive, you rely on your furnace to keep your home warm and comfortable. Unfortunately, unexpected furnace breakdowns can disrupt your routine and leave you shivering. To minimize the risk of emergency repairs this winter, proactive maintenance and a watchful eye on your system are crucial.

The best way to steer clear of the need for emergency repairs is to have Eden furnace maintenance performed by a talented team like Berico. As a long-time leader in Eden HVAC service, you can be sure that Berico will be ready to handle any challenge. Call now to get started.


Change Out the Air Filter Often

While it might seem like a simple step, one of the best things you can do for the health of your furnace is actually one of the easiest – change the air filter regularly. This is a job that you should be able to handle on your own without bringing in the pros, and air filters are quite affordable, meaning there really isn’t any reason to skip this step.

The exact interval for changing your furnace air filter will depend on how much the system is running and how quickly the old filter is getting dirty. During the middle of a cold winter when the furnace is running often, changing out the filter once per month is a good idea. You don’t need to change it so frequently when the weather is milder and the furnace isn’t working as hard.


Don’t Overwork the Furnace

Speaking of your furnace working hard, avoiding putting too much strain on the system is an important way to keep the system running all winter long. When it gets particularly cold outside, don’t ask your furnace to heat your home to a particularly high temperature. This will put tremendous strain on the system and could lead to a breakdown. Instead, adjust your thermostat temperature to reduce the strain on the furnace and maybe just add a layer of clothing or use an extra blanket to stay warm during the cold snap.


Respond to Performance Issues Right Away

It’s often the case that a furnace won’t completely stop working immediately when a problem comes up. Commonly, a problem in the system will lead to symptoms like unusual noises or a drop-off in performance, but it will keep running. If you are proactive with your furnace and respond to those signs by getting in touch with Berico to have the proper fix applied right away, you can avoid running into an emergency repair situation later on.

If you stay ahead of the game, you should be able to avoid needing emergency heating service during the winter months. Of course, some things just happen despite your best efforts, so if you do need to have prompt repairs made to your furnace to warm your home back up again, Berico is ready and waiting to take on the project.

Green Plumbing – Better for the Environment

When you have any type of plumbing work done on your home – whether it is a repair or a new installation – you have a variety of choices to make. One choice, of course, is which of the many Greensboro plumbers you are going to call in for the job. On that point, simply pick Berico and know that you are in good hands.

You’ll also need to decide if you would like to improve your home’s eco-friendly performance while having this work done. Green plumbing is the concept of making small improvements to the way the water system works in your house in order to consume less and help the environment. This type of environmental plumbing is an excellent way to get the performance you need while doing your part for the world around you, as well. This page will take a closer look at this topic and why it’s so important.


An Introduction to Green Plumbing

If you stop and think about it, the way your home utilizes water is likely pretty inefficient. A significant amount of water is used up each time you flush the toilet, for example. Added up over the course of a month, or a year, countless gallons of water are wasted in the average residential plumbing system that could have been saved with a bit of careful planning and through upgrading a few key components.

This is the foundation of green plumbing. More and more people are looking to find ways that they can save water while still having a plumbing system that is able to get the job done. That goal is within reach when green plumbing is employed, and the rest of this page will explain why this is such a worthwhile project and how you can make it happen in your house.


A Number of Notable Advantages

The primary advantage of green plumbing is the way that reduced water consumption can benefit the environment. Modern life places a tremendous strain on the limited water resources we have available, so if every home was able to reduce how much water it went through on a daily basis, the difference would be enormous.

Cutting down on water consumption is far from the only advantage, however. Some green plumbing measures also help to reduce energy consumption – more on that later – so that’s another benefit to the earth that can be enjoyed. Between using less water and using less energy, it’s easy to see how green plumbing can lead your entire household toward having a smaller environmental footprint.

Finally, you might also enjoy a longer useful life out of some of your appliances when you reduce water consumption. When less water is moving through the system, less wear and tear will accumulate, and you should be able to get an extended life span out of some of your components as a result.


Help the Environment – And Save Money at the Same Time

You might be primarily motivated to explore green plumbing because of the environmental benefits, but that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate the financial savings that will come along with it. In fact, you can go a long way toward offsetting the cost of the plumbing upgrades when you start to see savings on your utility bills moving forward.

Using less water simply means you will spend less on that resource month after month. Cutting down on your water bill is a great start, and if you include upgrades that reduce energy consumption, you can reduce the size of that bill, as well. Even if these savings are modest at first, they just keep coming month after month, and the cumulative effect over the coming years will end up being significant.

You could also wind up saving some money by avoiding plumbing repairs after you upgrade your system. Once many of your fixtures have been replaced by new, green fixtures, you’ll be well-positioned for potentially many years of hassle-free plumbing performance.


Types of Green Plumbing Fixtures

So, what kinds of upgrades to your plumbing system will fall into the category of “green plumbing”? There are many to consider, including those listed below –

  • Low-flow toilets. If you were to break down the water consumption in your home, you would likely find – perhaps to your surprise – that your toilets are the main water usage feature. An inefficient toilet can use several gallons of water in just one flush, so you can easily imagine how that will add up over time. Upgrading to low-flow toilets can save more than 10,000 gallons of water in your home in just one year!
  • Low-flow showerheads. While your toilets might lead the way in terms of water consumption, your showers aren’t far behind. This is particularly true in a home with several family members. Adding low-flow showerheads will cut down on the volume of water that is used during showers, without any significant loss of performance. You’ll be able to get just as clean in a shower with a low-flow head, and you’ll be saving water – and money – at the same time.
  • Tankless water heaters. While this is a bigger investment than a low-flow toilet or showerhead, making the switch to a tankless water heater is a great way to make your plumbing system far more green. The value here is found in the reduced energy consumption of the tankless system. Rather than continuously using energy to keep a big tank of water warm, tankless models only heat the water when you are going to use it, meaning significant energy savings are enjoyed. There is also a functional benefit to tankless water heaters that shouldn’t be ignored – since there is no tank and the water is heated on demand, you won’t run out of hot water during a long shower or an extended dishwashing session.

If you would like to have some green plumbing fixtures added to your home, or if you simply have some repairs that need to be made, Berico should be your first pick. Give the friendly Berico team a call today and get started on this important project.

Eco-Friendly Plumbing Upgrades for a Sustainable Home

If you have been looking for ways to make your home more eco-friendly, assessing your plumbing system is a step that should be carefully considered. There are plenty of ways to cut down on water consumption in a modern home, which will make that home more eco-friendly along the way (and save you some money on your water bill).

Of course, you’ll want to work with qualified Greensboro plumbers for any of these kinds of projects, and Berico is the right team for that job. Whether it’s green plumbing or any other type of job that you need to have completed, make sure Berico is your first call.


Start with Low-Flow Fixtures

Without a doubt, the easiest way to get into the world of eco-friendly plumbing is to add low-flow fixtures in various places throughout the house. As the name suggests, these fixtures reduce the flow of water while they are being used, yet they still get the job done effectively.

This approach can be used in many different places, including toilets, faucets, and showerheads. For example, you could get a low-flow showerhead that only uses 50% of the water used by a traditional model. That might not sound like much over the course of one or two showers, but when you think about how much water your family uses in the shower over a full year, it becomes clear how significant the savings can be.


Add Smart Leak Detectors

Cutting down on how much water you use by upgrading your fixtures is a great step, but you also need to make sure that you aren’t wasting any water due to leaks somewhere in the system. This is where smart leak detectors are such a wise addition to a plumbing system.

These can be placed in various locations that might be prone to leaks, and they will alert you that a leak has occurred, so a fix can be applied. Since many of your plumbing components are out of sight during day-to-day life, a leak sensor is an ally that will prevent any problem from spiraling out of control.


Consider a Tankless Water Heater

Another big step in the right direction is making the switch from a traditional water heater – with a tank – and a tankless model. With a traditional unit, your water heater is constantly holding a large volume of water at an elevated temperature, whether you need it or not. This is obviously inefficient, as you could go extended periods without using your hot water and energy would have been used all along the way.

Tankless water heaters work on an on-demand model. There is no hot water being held in a tank, and only when you turn on a hot tap somewhere in the house will the water move through the heater and make its way to you. This virtually eliminates the wasted energy in the system, and as a bonus, tankless units are compact and won’t waste valuable space somewhere in your home.

Which of these eco-friendly plumbing upgrades will make the most sense for your home? Whether you just pick one to get started, or you want to take on all of them at once, Berico is here to take on any plumbing repair or installation projects you have in mind. Get in touch now to schedule an appointment!

Furnace Replacement Timeline: Is It Time to Upgrade?

Your furnace works tirelessly throughout the winter to keep your Greensboro home warm and comfortable. However, like any mechanical system, it has a lifespan. Over time, even the most well-maintained furnace will experience decreased efficiency and increased wear and tear. Recognizing the signs that it’s time for a replacement can save you from unexpected breakdowns, costly repairs, and higher energy bills. In this post, we’ll explore some key indicators that it might be time to invest in a new, more efficient furnace.

To work with a proven Greensboro HVAC contractor on the potential upgrade to a new furnace, take a moment now to reach out to the experienced Berico team. Everything from furnace repair to new furnace installation can be handled by the friendly, talented pros and Berico.


Use Age as a Guideline

While the age of your furnace isn’t an absolute answer to the question of whether or not you need to upgrade to a new unit, it is a starting point. Generally speaking, you can expect to get 10 to 20 years of service out of a furnace under normal conditions. So, if yours is reaching that point, it’s probably about time to make the switch. With that said, there are other factors that need to be considered, such as those discussed below.


Watch for Frequent Breakdowns

It’s not a big deal if you have one thing go wrong with your furnace and you have to have a repair completed by the Berico team. However, if those breakdowns keep happening – and they get more and more frequent – you should start thinking about just replacing the furnace instead. After all, every dollar that is spent repairing the old furnace is a dollar that could have gone toward purchasing the new one.


Track Your Energy Consumption

An aging furnace is going to get less and less efficient as time passes, and it will consume more energy as a result. So, a good way to see how your furnace is going is to keep track of your energy consumption on your utility bill from month to month. For example, find your bill from a month last winter and compare it to how much energy you used during a month this winter. Has consumption gone up significantly? When you upgrade to a new model, you’ll find that you use far less energy, meaning your utility costs will go down, and those savings will somewhat offset the cost of the furnace.


Listen As the Furnace Runs

One other way to determine if your furnace needs to be replaced is by listening to what it sounds like as it runs. A properly functioning furnace will be relatively quiet, and the noise it produces will be steady. On the other hand, when a furnace is nearing the end of its useful life, it’s likely that there will be some strange, loud noises produced from time to time. Consider those noises a sign that you should replace the unit soon.

Teaming up with the right heating and air contractors is fundamental to your comfort in and around the Greensboro area. Make sure your system is living up to its potential by connecting with Berico today and learning more about the many services that are available. You’ll be in good hands from the start!

The Environmental Benefits of Using Propane

There are a number of factors you have to keep in mind when making any decision that impacts how your home operates. Budget is going to be high on the list, of course, and the performance of whatever it is you are considering will also have to be weighed. Then there is the matter of how your choice is going to impact that environment.

When it comes to picking an energy source that will be kind to the environment – while also performing beautifully – propane should quickly land at the top of your priority list. Propane is a leader in sustainable heating solutions and you can get started switching to this reliable fuel today by contacting the friendly team at Berico.


Cut Down on Greenhouse Gases

The first big point to know about how propane impacts the environment is that it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions than other commonly used fossil fuels like coal, oil and electricity generated by burning coal. So, by making the move to propane, you will be reducing the carbon footprint of your home effectively without experiencing any decline in performance.


Excellent Efficiency

Measuring efficiency is an important way to determine what type of fuel you should be using for your home. The more efficient a given fuel is, the less of it needs to be used – and it will have less of an impact on the environment as a result. In this case, propane does much better than the alternatives, especially electricity. If you have been using electricity to power things like your furnace or water heater, switching to propane will cut down significantly on your overall energy consumption.


The Production Process

Propane is a byproduct of natural gas processing and petroleum refining. In other words, it is being derived from things that are already being harvested, rather than adding another thing that needs to be harvested from the environment. Using this byproduct in such an efficient way is an excellent approach and one that makes the most out of what resources the earth does have to provide. If you don’t like the idea of the fuel you use in your home having to be harvested from the earth time after time, make the move to a fuel that comes along as a byproduct of other products.


Secure Storage

Another way fuels can damage the environment is through a spill. Since propane is a gas a “spill” isn’t really possible and if there is a leak, the gas usually will disperse harmlessly into the atmosphere.  But leaks are not common, as the fuel is stored in sealed tanks that are very secure and can be expected to hold your propane securely until it is used. As long as you have the condition of your tank inspected periodically to make sure it remains sound, any problem with propane leaking will be unlikely.

If you need a trustworthy partner to deliver Greensboro propane to your home in or around the city, turn first to the proven leader in this market – Berico. Now that you understand how eco-friendly propane is, there is nothing left to do but make sure you have a supplier that will always offer fair rates and won’t miss a delivery. Call now and get started!

Can Extreme Cold Cause Furnace Problems?

By its very nature, a furnace is meant to be able to handle cold temperatures. After all, that’s the point of having this unit in your home – to warm up your spaces while it is cold outside. But what if it gets particularly cold? This article will look at what you need to be concerned with if the weather outside dips even lower than normal for a few days.

If you need furnace maintenance from an experienced HVAC contractor with an excellent reputation in the Greensboro area, turn to Berico today. Of course, the Berico team is ready to take on many other projects beyond furnace maintenance, so don’t hesitate to get in touch no matter what job is on the agenda.


It’s About Stress

As a homeowner, you should understand that particularly cold weather is going to put your furnace under a lot of stress. Basically, the conditions outside are demanding the furnace to work harder than usual, and that workload can cause things to break down. Some of the components that may be at risk include the blower motor, the heat exchanger, and the burners.

One way to help reduce the stress on your furnace during extremely cold weather is by ensuring that your home is properly sealed. Check for drafts around windows and doors, as these can allow cold air to enter, forcing your furnace to work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. Adding weatherstripping or using draft stoppers can help keep the warm air inside and reduce the workload on your heating system. This simple step can make a big difference in your furnace’s efficiency and longevity during a cold snap. Additionally, make sure your furnace filter is clean and clear of debris to ensure optimal airflow and prevent unnecessary strain on the system.


Watch for Airflow Problems

If there is a lot of snow outside, or if some ice has formed around your home, it’s possible that the exterior vents that serve your furnace could be blocked. That will lead to reduced airflow, and again, additional stress on the system. Quickly clearing away these vents to make sure the air can move freely will go a long way toward getting the performance you need without causing the furnace to break down.


Frozen Drain Pipes Are a Concern

Along the same lines as the previous point, you might also find a situation where the condensate drain line that serves your furnace freezes up and can no longer drain water away. This could lead to a problem if the water backs up through the pipe and causes the furnace to shut down. When you know a cold snap is coming, you can install some pipe insulation to keep the line from freezing, or you could just check it periodically during the cold weather and thaw it out to open the line, if necessary.

Have you been searching for “Eden furnace repair near me” without any luck? That search can stop now by calling Berico and getting exactly the type of service you deserve. As soon as you start chatting with the Berico team about your needs, you will know you are in the right hands. Don’t wait any longer!

Plumbing Myths Debunked

When you don’t work in the plumbing field, it’s easy to believe just about anything you hear about how plumbing works or what problems you are likely to encounter with your system. Unfortunately, much of what you hear talked about with plumbing falls firmly into the category of a myth. This page will highlight some of those myths and explain how you should handle your plumbing system instead.

For professional help with Greensboro plumbing problems that will ignore the myths and get down to the truth, contact Berico right away for assistance.


A Slow Drain Will Eventually Fix Itself

Some homeowners seem to believe that simply leaving a slow drain alone over time will allow it to “clear itself,” and the problem will go away. Rarely is this going to be the case. The drain is slow because there is a clog in the pipe, and that clog will need to be cleared one way or another. Dealing with this issue as soon as possible is best to avoid more serious problems later on.


You Can Flush Anything Down the Toilet

This is most certainly not true. Just because something technically will fit down the toilet does not mean it should be flushed down the system. Serious problems like major clogs and damage to your pipes can occur when you flush anything other than toilet paper. Sticking with only toilet paper going down the toilet is a great way to protect the health of your overall system and prevent expensive repairs.


All Old Houses Have Bad Plumbing

In the Greensboro area, there are many beautiful old homes that have been in place for a century or longer. So, are all of these houses destined to deal with ongoing plumbing problems? Not at all. With proper maintenance and timely repair when something does go wrong, an older home can enjoy reliable plumbing performance with no end in sight.


Plumbing Fixtures Don’t Need Maintenance

You should always be wary when you hear that something doesn’t need any maintenance at all. That’s just not how life tends to work – even the best parts and systems wear out and require attention at one point or another. If you tend to your plumbing system just like you tend to anything else in or around your house, you’ll be rewarded in the long run.


Drain Cleaners Are a Great Solution

In some cases, a drain cleaner will actually be able to improve the performance of that drain – but you’ll be doing some lasting harm along the way. The chemicals that are used in drain cleaners can be very harmful and will erode your pipes over time. Instead, opt for mechanical methods of removing a clog, such as a plunger. If needed, get help from a professional plumber to make sure the work is done correctly.

The great thing about working with Berico is that you’ll be able to have all of your plumbing problems solved quickly and easily by one expert team. Whether it’s a running toilet, kitchen plumbing issues, or anything else, you’ll be in the right hands from the start. Get in touch now to learn more.