How to Lower Utility Bills in Winter

By the end of a long, hot summer, the arrival of fall – and then winter – can seem like a welcome relief. The cooler weather is a nice change of pace, and you might even find yourself spending more time outside than you did when the temperatures were soaring. Of course, along with that change comes the need to use your furnace to keep the house warm, and rising utility bills are the result of colder weather.


This article will take a look at some simple tips for how you can lower those utility bills in the winter months. If you have a furnace in High Point that needs some maintenance or repair to run its best this winter, be sure to turn to Berico for assistance with that project. Call today to learn more.


Add a Smart Thermostat

Proper management of your furnace throughout the winter is one of the best ways to control your utility costs. These days, smart thermostats are an affordable way to gain control of the temperature in your house from day to day, and within each day. Upgrading to a smart thermostat will make it easier to control your system, you can set up programs to make sure the heat is coming on at just the right time, and more.


Strive for Maximum Efficiency

It’s easy enough to assume that your furnace is running fine as long as it is on and keeping the house warm. But when was the last time any maintenance was performed on the unit? If it’s been a while, it’s likely that the efficiency of the system has degraded, and you are using more energy than is necessary to get the job done. By having maintenance performed on a consistent basis – annually is appropriate for most situations – you can keep the furnace running nicely and get great results in terms of efficiency.


Consider a New Furnace

Continuing with the theme of efficiency, it’s also possible that your best bet at this point is to replace your old furnace with a new one. Newer models run far more efficiently than those from a decade or two ago, so you might be amazed at the utility savings that are available when you upgrade to a new furnace. And not only will you enjoy savings month after month, but you’ll also appreciate the boost in performance and the comfortable temperature that the new system is able to maintain all winter long.


Check Your Vents

One other important point to note is that you should go around your home to confirm that all of the air vents are open while using your furnace. If any of the vents are closed, you’ll simply be producing warm air only for it to collect inside the ducts, rather than being released into your rooms. This is an easy mistake to make, but it only takes a moment to go around the house and make sure everything is set as it should be.


It will always cost something to run your HVAC in High Point, but you can bring those costs down by managing your system smartly. Berico is a reliable partner for all of your furnace needs, and when winter ends and summer comes back around, the Berico team can also help with AC repair in High Point. Whatever your needs happen to be, the first step is to get in touch to schedule an appointment right away.