10 Habits that are Costing you Money on your Energy Bill

habits to improve your energy billDo you feel that your energy bill is too high every month? No one likes to have high bills, especially not energy bills. You may think you are being careful and conservative with your energy use at home, but you may have some energy-wasting habits you’re not aware of. From leaving the lights on to neglecting furnace repair in Eden; here are 10 common habits that may be costing you money on your energy bill. 


Leaving chargers plugged in when not in use. Do you leave your cell phone charger plugged into the wall even when you’re done charging your phone? Believe it or not, those chargers are still using energy even when no device is plugged in. Take one extra second to unplug the charger too. 


Overusing lights. Only turn on the lights that you need in the rooms that are being used. Don’t leave lights on in empty rooms or the porch light on all night. Turn off the lights when you leave the house. 

Sleeping with the TV on. This is not only a waste of energy, but sleep experts say it’s not good for you. You don’t get quality sleep when the sounds from the TV are filtering into your subconscious. 

Washing clothes in hot water. There’s really no need to use hot water when washing clothes. Detergents are made to be used in cold water and your clothes will get just as clean. Hot water is even known to set stains rather than remove them. 

Taking long, hot showers. Luxurious showers are wonderful, but your water heater has to use more energy to keep up. Shorter, cooler showers are also better for your skin. 

Poor thermostat management. Do you keep your thermostat set high in winter and low in summer? You can save a lot of energy by adjusting your thermostat just a few degrees. Get a programmable thermostat and program it to maximize energy usage. 

Forgetting to change your HVAC filters. Experts recommend changing your filters every 6 months at the very least and quarterly for better results. Dirty filters can lower the efficiency of your HVAC system and waste energy. 

Forgetting to schedule HVAC maintenance. Heating and cooling accounts for around half of the total energy usage in most households. Regular furnace repair in Eden can ensure that it is running efficiently and using the least amount of energy possible. 

Running the dishwasher too often. Try and wait until the dishwasher is full to run it. If you run it after every meal or even every day, a lot of hot water and electricity is wasted. 

Using old appliances. Newer household appliances use less energy than older ones. By upgrading your appliances, you can save enough money on your monthly energy bill to pay for the new appliances in the long run. This is especially true when it comes to upgrading your HVAC system. 

Save Money on Your Energy Bill by Scheduling Furnace Repair in Eden

Regular maintenance for your HVAC systems is one of the best things you can do to reduce your household energy usage. A clean, well-tuned system runs at optimal efficiency. Call Carolina Fuels today at (336) 623-9741 to schedule furnace repair in Eden.